Why We Sell Life Insurance

I was on LinkedIN earlier this week and I came across a post from a 2nd level connection that disturbed me enough to share.  This is why we sell life insurance.  Here was her post:

“Last week I lost my husband and the love of my life. While on vacation at Disney world. He had large cell lymphoma with no symptoms which led to a bowel obstruction and sepsis. My husband age 27 a pacemaker rep for Medtronic was the rock of our family. I have my DPT however, I was unemployed due to lay-off from COVID. We have 4 year old twins and they were with us in Florida when I lost him. The sepsis was very fast and my entire life changed in a moment. I am now a single mother seeking employment. I am interested in and perusing a position in the medical device and sales industry. Please reach out if you are looking to fill this type of position. If you are married tonight hug your spouse and be truly thankful as we are never promised tomorrow and our days are truly numbered. God bless.”

Many people in the industry struggle with advising younger clients about life insurance.  This LinkedIN post is a primary reason Life Insurance is the base of the Financial Planning Pyramid.  Sell the death benefit your clients need…it’s affordable.


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